Friday, October 3, 2014

No, Curiosity Did Not!

So, on some nerd shit. I implore all people influenced by popular opinion to stop citing cats as victims of their own curiosity. It is not true. It is in fact care that killed the cat, not curiosity. And satisfaction never bought him/her back because he/her didn't die in the first place. 

In 1898, Brewer's dictionary of Phrase and Fable the line was quoted as "Care killed the cat. It is said that a cat has nine lives but care would wear them all out"

This misinterpreted line dates back to 1958 in Ben Johnson's playwright called "Every Man in His Humour"
        "Helter skelter, hang sorrow, care'll kill a cat, up-tails all and a Louse for the hangman"

William Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing"
        "What, courage man! What though care kill a cat, thou hast mettle enough enough in thee to kill care"

This reference makes more sense to me anyway. Just another line misquoted to shape the mind frame of the masses. Stay curious people. Now, that caring too much crap. Stop it. Stop it now. I have freed you! Lol 

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