I work hard. Really hard. The welfare of children is my highest priority so finding that work/home balance is difficult. My blessings come in abundance however my children having their father play an active role in their life is one a major one. My girls love me when I'm there and then pour all that loving on their father when I'm not. My son is a little older (4 precious years). His level of comprehension doesn't forgive my absence so easily. I try my best to explain how much his comfort depends on these "absences" however the maturation needed for this type of logic is something he has yet to possess. So I do a couple things to ease the separation anxiety. Three things to be exact.
- Stimulation
- Personal Time
- Buy them
Personal Time: Now this is of utmost significance. The girls are twins however they have the most disparate personalities. Baby A is energetic like her brother; she loves to play. Our solo time consists of lots of imaginative play, me teaching her how to play new games and singing. Baby B is a quiet soul who is more to herself than anything. When we're not cuddling we are reading together. Sometimes she just flips pages to her own book while I read mine. And L.P *sigh* I'm not sure if it's the age of the sex however he requires a lot! We hike, dine at local restaurants, park hop, free play at Rec centers, grocery shop together, trips to the pool, trips to the library, race, feed Kingston (out cat), play in the rain, and so many other things. There are times where he pulls me away from the family to play with the trains in his room by ourselves. Whenever those three have to go without "solo" time, they literally fight for my attention and time. They miss me more when I'm away because they haven't had "enough" of me. So I definitely do what I have to to give each of them their time.
Buy Them: There is no shame in my game. Sometimes my son isn't having it. His eyes swell up with tears and he finds every use of his limited vocabulary to let me know how much I can't leave (this includes jumping in front of the door and blocking me). Most people consider this a tantrum however I it charming. He's upset that I'm leaving and this is how he's expressing it. Cool. I get that silly Mommy guilt though. We both feel terrible. So if I see that it's going to be one of those days, I plan in advance to take a trip to a local store with him. I get him a little toy (usually something that compliments what he already has) and by the time I have to say the evil words good bye; he's good. Seriously, he's like "Okay, Mommy bye!" as he rips open the package to his new toy. I drift away slowly. Everyone's happy.
*Here's an extra one for ya. If I ever have to leave before I get to see them come home I leave little love notes or a toy or a book in their room. Just a little something to say I know you miss me but I already miss you first. Their father tells me that they get so excited when they find it (warms my heart!).
And to be real, I hear complaints about $$$ all of the time from other parents. I buy mine a water table and they call me rich as they order a second pair of Jordan's for their (child)ren. I won't get into priorities right now (kids having name brands but no room to call their own, luxury vehicles but no home, kids with tablets yet virtually illiterate, you know what I mean). No one has left an inheritance for me yet so trust me when I say I know all about hard times. Old movies and toys can be purchased from a thrift store (I love thrift stores!). Racing in a backyard is free. Parks are free. Walks are free. Those books in the picture were in the dollar section at Target. Books for a dollar! And my personal favorite; love notes are free 99 baby.
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