"I'm a good man, Storm. Most men out here don't do half of what I do. Isn't that good enough?! Shouldn't that satisfy you?"In honor of another one of my infamous fights on the battlefield of love with T.N, I have decided to pen out a public letter. I mean, why not? Lol
Dear Good Men,
No . . . just no. For some woman, a good man is not enough. Here me out now. There are woman in this world who have truly worked on themselves. Their parents may have invested much love and finances to help the process along however for the most part they have worked on themselves. And by work I mean they took the time out to get to know themselves. Strengths and weaknesses. They have transformed their passions into sound financial investments for their future. They consider their future soul mates when calculating the pros and cons of significant lifetime decision. They have educated themselves so as to be an asset to whomever and or whatever they choose to contribute their time to. Sometimes even fanatical measures are taken in the name of aesthetic pleasure for the one who will eventually prove to be our lifetime partner (braces, excessive fitness regimen, hell even ass shots). All of this because we have developed a sense of self love that extends out to anyone we choose to love as well. In marriage the two do become one. If you find yourself blessed enough to be engaged in a mature relationship with a female like the one I have described to you, understand this, you are already good enough. But if you love the Queen that you're attracted to then you need to be a King to hold her attraction. And having royal moments do not equate to you being a King. Lately, the epidemic of less than substantial men roaming around and populating the earth has grown out of control. So good men believe that they should be more than enough by comparison. And they are for women who have not yet elevated themselves to a royal status. But no successful kingdom ever remains idle. It is always in a state of evolution; forward progression preferably. A Queen should not be nagging you either. If she comes home and drops $400 on the table, your mind should already be formulating ideas on how to double that currency. Not expressing gratitude at both of you having $200. Good enough is not the legacy you aim to leave for your children. So that's a definite no, a good man is not enough for me. Not for a Queen. Well, let me speak for myself: I know who I am and what I bring to the table. When you are my man, it is my duty to demand more of you. I need you to be great. I need you to be exceptional. I need you to be what I am to you and more. Much more. And I need not to ask. You should know that as your soul mate, I see greatness in you even when you may not see it yourself. I love you and aspire to be with you because I know what you are capable of. You aren't lucky to be with me. Luck has nothing to do with it. There is something in you that speaks to me on a level you may have yet to comprehend. Trust me. A woman's intuition is phenomenal. We aren't asking more of you to soothe our covetous desires. We just believe in you that much. Be grateful. Good man should only be a temporary status. And if that isn't an idea you agree with then your relationship such a woman will always be riddled with problems. As a matter of fact, do yourself a favor and discontinue any relationship with a woman who's demand for a better you is overwhelming you to the point of unhappiness. It isn't fair to you both as she will always be relentless in her search for a lifetime of elevation. Her ambition could consume a sea of "I love you's"and never even begin to quench it's thirst. You two just aren't compatible. And that is okay. Life can be funny that way. Be "good" at letting it go. When you make the assertion for her to be satisfied with "good", you are telling her to settle. And that's unacceptable. Don't be that guy.
With Love,
A Great Woman