I am not so much into interior decoration as I am into a stimulating environment. I believe that every piece in my home should inspire myself and the children on a daily basis. My pockets have yet to catch up with my ideals however the beautiful thing about inspiration is that it can be done on a small or grand scale. Televisions aren't allowed in the bedroom. I love a centered bed. No flowers (functional plants are another story). Meditation corner(s). Art work. Photography. Air hockey tables rock. This can all be done up with an extreme or modest budget. Today I shall focus on my vision board (yes, I do vision boards) for the trio's bedrooms. The Montessori bedroom comes closest to the idea I aspire to when it comes to their rooms. For now, at least. *smile* So let's explore this concept.
The Montessori method is rooted in the idea that a child needs an environment that is developmentally prepared to spark the their sense learning as well as the freedom (limited) to engage with that environment on their on terms. Or at least that is how I interpret this theory. There is much material (not to mention millions of schools) on this subject so I won't tire you with details. Let's get into the room.
Fostering Independence:
Think of your child's perspective. Think of shelves that they can reach so that they may learn to clean up after themselves a little easier. I plan on purchasing a child's coat rack simply because the trio love to throw their jackets on the floor after they come in from a long day of playing. In the future I will get them their own cubbies because the morning routine of boots and coats is something that I believe they should be doing on their own at this point in time. We'll see. They will be graduating from toy trunks the cube shelves as I have now learned that toys are easier to find that way. The toy trunks are a bit over stimulating for my son. He is the kind of child who knows exactly what toy he wants and where he wants it. And no, I do not know where he gets this from. *big smile* They already have a step stool and an easy to reach bookcase. A child size table with chairs.
The Bed:
The bed goes on the floor. That's right. Preferably in the corner. At this point your child's room should be child proof, right? When your child awakes, they should be able to rise and explore at their own accord (think limited freedom). This also works with them learning how to put themselves to sleep. A crib or a play pen is much too restrictive. Besides whenever I view pictures of where children sleep on a global scale, it's almost always on the floor. I believe they're on to something.
Simplicity is key here. So as not to overstimulate which I believe I am already guilty of. In the future I will add a kid's mirror. I love the idea of them getting to know their reflection and how their bodies move. I hate bare walls. I'm thinking two African American paintings per room. I definitely owe my son a picture of Bob Marley (a tribute to his Jamaican roots and dreadlocks). Brand new wall stickers. A mural and a nice neutral color would be nice however I must be realistic. Apartment living has it's limits. Giant teddy bears for the girls because I just like when something is resting on your bed after your adventure of a day.
So far that is all. Just the tip of the iceberg I'm sure. Here are a couple of inspiring photos I was able to find on pintrest (God, I love pintrest).